Language Messages
progress_reset_damage: "&cYour progress has been reset due to damage."
progress_reset_hotbar: "&cYour progress has been reset due to changing hotbar."
progress_reset_move: "&cYour progress has been reset due to moving away."
wait_before_interacting: "&cPlease wait before interacting again."
success_load: "&aSuccess Load MMOBlock."
reload_message: "&aConfiguration reloaded successfully."
no_entity_adjust: "&cNo entity found to adjust."
no_permit: "&cYou do not have permission to use this command."
usage_help: "&eUsage: /mmoblock <place|remove|reload|setlang|get>"
usage_place: "&eUsage: /mmoblock place <entityId> [world] [x] [y] [z]"
usage_setlang: "&eUsage: /mmoblock setlang <lang_code> [player_name]"
player_not_found: "&ePlayer not found."
console_error_setlang: "&cThis command can only be run by a player or with a specific player name."
language_set: "&aLanguage set to %lang%."
invalid_language: "&cInvalid language code."
usage_remove: "&eUsage: /mmoblock remove <entityId|all>"
remove_command: "&cThis command can only be executed by a player."
success_remove: "&aEntity removed successfully."
all_removed: "&aAll entities removed successfully."
not_found: "&cNo matching entity found in your eyes."
not_found_1: "&cNo matching entity found in your crosshair."
error_execute: "&cAn error occurred while executing the command."
error_execute_1: "&cThis command can only be executed by a player."
get_facing: "&aYou have received the Facing Adjuster."
console_error: "&cConsole must specify world and coordinates."
console_error_1: "&cInvalid world specified."
entity_place: "&aEntity placed successfully."
Last updated